Coach en développement
personnel et professionnel
alternative medicine therapist
Accompanying Medium
Fire Cox
Trainer in energy healing:
Reiki Usui, Lahochi, Lahochi 13th Octave and 13 Sacred Rays

Accompaniment of "young" mediums
Adults / children (and parents)
Am I medium?
How do I deal with my mediumship?
Cette consultation a uniquement pour objectif d'aider les médiums à gérer leurs capacités, aider également les parents d'enfants médiums.
Toutes les personnes qui sont à la recherche de réponses uniquement pour nourrir leur curiosité dans le domaine du paranormal cette consultation ne vous est pas destiné
Channeling by my spirit guides on June 21, 2021 (Olympe Thiant):
“Sometimes you may feel lonely, abandoned, misunderstood like a shore.
But it is sometimes difficult to find your natural connection by looking deep within yourself.
Now the spiritual awakening can accompany you to move forward far from the cogs, sometimes difficult, incomprehensible to the eyes of others
Spiritual awakening is the path, a return to the source that is in each of you
Now that the subject is addressed, the limits and the unfounded beliefs are dissolved, the awakening in each person can move towards a peace of mind, an appeasement, a certain relief
From now on the main function of this awakening in everything to each of you, is there to reveal to you who you really are and without fear.
Misunderstanding can cause you to fail, you do not understand why you feel apart, but this ego which was your anchor point will itself have to dissolve in order to bring this serenity in each of you with the joy of finding the perfect unity of who you really are."
I made the choice to help the "young" mediums, because myself being a medium, I would have wished so much at the time that someone explained to me who I was and how my gift served me; my parents too.
Both for me and for them, the road has been difficult at times.
Despite this sometimes long road, my guides accompanied me and always supported me.
My gift is a birth gift, from a very young age I communicated with invisible beings, it was normal for me, thinking that everyone in this world could do it and no!
Then the doubts set in, the incomprehension, I felt so different, alone and I didn't know anyone who had a gift.
At the time I was reading books on mediumship, some passages commented on the fact that one had to be either clair-audient, clair-voyant, clair-sentient, clair-intuition
I said to my mother: "I don't understand! I am everything, but then who am I? I don't fit into the boxes!"
I felt alone, misunderstood, my parents didn't know how to help me and yet they did everything and I can't thank them enough for that because it was difficult.
The years passed, I matured, grew up, and I felt ready to learn, to tame MY gift!
My abilities have evolved from year to year, my energy channel has developed, my clairaudience, my clairvoyance,
my clair-sentience and my clair-intuition also; in short I developed but I worked!
I am often asked how I manage to hear the voices of my guides and the disembodied constantly!
My answer is clear, I don't know how you can't hear them!
Not to hear them anymore in my eyes would be unthinkable! For me it's natural and normal and it's part of me
You don't see them but I see them and I hear them. They guide me every day with love.
Now I can say that I feel complete because throughout my childhood I knew that a part of myself was missing.
Feeling rejected because the difference is there in the eyes of others. I have made this difference my real strength.
Today I can say that through all my experiences as a medium, I feel happy, accomplished and proud to be who I am.
I have therefore chosen today to put my experience at the service of "young" mediums (adults and children) so that they too can live in full fullness and acceptance of who they are, to accept themselves and to 'to like.
I am also present for the parents, because I know that for them, this path can be tortuous because they feel helpless.
Know that your children are only children with an exceptional gift and that they must above all make good use of it.
They're just kids with extra-sensory ability like a lot of kids. They are not different from the others, nor sick, it is enough just to accompany them and to help them to understand their gift.
What is mediumship?
There are different types of mediums, the capacities are multiple.
There are mediums who see invisible beings, auras, others energy channels, others are medium-shamans, soul carriers...
some are flexible and multi-potential, but many specialize according to their vision and wishes for incarnations.
Channeling transmitted by my guides (May 27, 2021) Olympe Thiant:
"There are certain things in spirituality that cannot be explained, yet your bodies feel, alert you to certain harmful points or not.
You don't understand why you have his feelings.
You are afraid that you will be taken for a disoriented person, that you will not be believed, but know that this subtle world does indeed exist.
Now that you feel a difference in yourself that no one else can identify, this does not mean that you are different but quite simply carrying an exceptional gift.
That of reconnecting you to your own essence of life.
Yes you can communicate with the afterlife, yes you can see or feel these energies whatever they are, yes you can view things not apparent to human eyes and yes you can feel times when no one sees them. lived.
All this is indeed the fruit of your intuition, of your perception in all things
Now that you know you have a gift and this gift is not there for nothing, we invite you to deploy it so that the light can shine in your heart
That you can finally find yourself in yourself, the person you really are without fear or judgment of others.
The plan that we are going to propose to you is simple.
Once made, the divine plan will actuate in you all the virtues of a beautiful dazzling light that of the divinity which is in you.
Now that you are ready to move forward, we invite you to reconnect to your essence, the one within you, in order to fully live the life you need to live without fear or flaw."

The accompaniment
At the beginning of the accompaniment, we will together take stock of your feelings, experiences, and we can also discuss the doubts and fears that you encounter.
During this accompaniment, I answer all your questions relating to mediumship, we will determine together what is your mediumistic sensitivity
I could thus give you advice/exercises in order to make the most of your faculties.
I adapt of course to your level of experience in mediumship.
These accompaniments are designed to allow you to express your potential and find your own way, because indeed, in my opinion, there are as many forms of mediumship as there are mediums, and that your way belongs to you because it is unique!
Regarding the children, they will be accompanied by their parent(s) and together we will discuss what your child is going through and you too.
I will help you understand and I will give you tools to accompany him and encourage him on his journey so that he flourishes thanks to your support and support.
What the support includes
-Personalized support
to reveal to you
-Help for you and for the parents
-Tools and exercises
-Regular monitoring
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Duration of the session 1h to 1h30 en video or face-to-face
Adult price: €80 Each interview
Tarif enfants : 50€ Chaque entetien