Coach en développement
personnel et professionnel
alternative medicine therapist
Accompanying Medium
Fire Cox
Trainer in energy healing:
Reiki Usui, Lahochi, Lahochi 13th Octave and 13 Sacred Rays
Énergéticienne Médiumnique
Formatrice Énergétique
The Lahochi
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You will be able to pass on this initiation and practice energy healing on others.
About the Lahochi Energy Healing System
The Traditional LAHOCHI teaching was transmitted to Satchamar, on May 15, 1991, by Master LAHOCHI (Lao Tseu, contemporary of Confucius and Buddha, he is considered the founding father of Taoism)
Their energetic union activated these healing spiritual energies.
Lahochi is a spiritual energy with very high vibrational frequencies. It allows access to a greater understanding and use of the Universal Energy of Life for oneself and to help others, while respecting each person's free will.
Lahochi restructures and balances the subtle bodies of the Being, especially when there has been trauma in the emotional body.
Quels sont les bienfaits du LaHoChi?
The " LaHoChi " system reweaves energy fields by repairing gaps, tears and areas damaged by a variety of influences including difficult birth , surgery, radiation, drugs, accidents, past and present wounds of life, all types of trauma, environmental poisoning, negative programming and genetic tendencies
Introduces color and health vibes.
Enhances an acupuncture treatment in the etheric fields.
Charge floral and mineral essences with vibrations.
Balances the circulation of cranial fluid in the brain and balances the cerebrospinal system.
Opens the body's 21 energy centers or meridian anatomy system. Opens blockages in the subtle energy bodies.
Opens and clears the chakra system.
Realigns the structure of the body into a multi-dimensional grid system that holds the body in its integrity.
Clears electrical blockages in the energy of the body, similar to a network of links between cellular memory and the physical body, so that information can flow freely.
Expands the energy field.
Place the divine memory in the outer layer of the energy field which will transmit the divine memory to the entire body.
Places divine memory in the etheric field for the purpose of healing imbalances.
Activates the light body.
Accelerates healing
Assists in reaching the highest states of meditation or consciousness possible for each person in the present moment
Dissolve emotional turmoil
Eliminates stress, anxiety and anxiety
Restores sleep quality
Heals energy fields damaged by drugs, accidents, old and present wounds of life
Treats trauma, negative programming, genetic tendencies and addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs…)
LaHoChi accelerates the process of self-healing, increases psychic abilities
Aligns the structure of the body to the multidimensional grid (physical, mental and emotional)
Catalyzes the body's etheric field to increase the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment
Preserves and balances the integrity of the body
increases psychic abilities, spiritual gifts
Who Should Attend ?
For all people!
Alternative medicine professionals wishing to add a new technique to their practice
Reiki Practitioners and Masters
People wishing to discover a powerful energy healing technique to practice on themselves or others
The LaHoChi is accessible to everyone, without any prerequisites.
What you will learn:
The origins and history of LaHoChi,
The meaning and scope of LaHoChi,
The benefits of LaHoChi,
The care of LaHoChi,
Preparing the place of care,
Reception and installation of the care receiver,
Preparation of the practitioner of LaHoChi,
End of treatment.
The conditions of the LaHoChi treatment
The “Prayer” of Master LaHoChi,
The "Seal of Protection",
The Summon
The position of the hands, (the waves of forms).
LaHoChi Healing Running Session
The 5 common healing positions,
The final current healing position,
Other suggested positions (belly, knees, feet).
The 4 self-treatment positions
The practice
What the training contains
a manual
a complete education (no level 2 or more),
a certificate attesting to your ability to use and transmit Lahochi
follow-up and support beyond the internship.
a reminder of the functions of the chakras
the practitioner and teacher certificate